Takishugyo or takigyo, meditation under waterfall, enable to overtake ourselves, to go over the limit we think have.
It’s an excellent exercise of working on will. This technique allows us to reach new dimensions of conscience, to make a new step to awareness.
Incidentally, but not insignificant this method increase greatly the Ki, the inner energy. But it’s very important that this mustn’t be the only reason for your practice.
Generally the benefits of asceticism are sent by our prayers for people who suffer.
Caution, application of meditation under waterfall may be dangerous if it’s executed without a minimum of known and preparation.
This is not a game.
There are rules to follow, for example never practice alone and moreover for beginners never practice without an experimented person, otherwise you risk irreversible damages.
Meditation under waterfall strengthen body, emotions and mental. It improves health and boost concentration. We advice against use of alcohol, tobacco and meat for an optimum work.
The waterfall’s water reminds us our major component. It withdraw that ¾ of our body is composed of this element, of this material in which we spent 9 months within our mother. Belly matrix symbolized by moutain.
Ascending mountain, seemingly static, but in full gestation, from where flows downward dynamicly and in motion the waterfall, source of celest and terrestrial milk.
The water allows a cleaning. It wipes us from everything unnecessary, from all non-essentials elements. It’s a programming vector too. A telluric, terrestrial, celest and cosmic programming.
Our Earth, Gaïa is a living. The works of the scientist J-E Lovelock show it clearly. Rivers are his “bloodstream” and forests his “respiratory system”.
Like for our bloodstream, the one of the Earth, his water flow don’t transport only “chemically” analyzable matter, but energy too.
Telluric energy which is charged at places where it went. And cosmic energy, funneled by stars, zodiac, planets and especially from the moon which is female planet by excellence.
It allows “coagulation”, “crystallization” and “incarnation” of zodiacal energies on our planet.
When we’re under the waterfall, when ritual is accomplished, the water veil moving before your eyes is a mirror in which our soul is reflecting.It’s an excellent exercise of working on will. This technique allows us to reach new dimensions of conscience, to make a new step to awareness.
Incidentally, but not insignificant this method increase greatly the Ki, the inner energy. But it’s very important that this mustn’t be the only reason for your practice.
Generally the benefits of asceticism are sent by our prayers for people who suffer.
Caution, application of meditation under waterfall may be dangerous if it’s executed without a minimum of known and preparation.
This is not a game.
There are rules to follow, for example never practice alone and moreover for beginners never practice without an experimented person, otherwise you risk irreversible damages.
Meditation under waterfall strengthen body, emotions and mental. It improves health and boost concentration. We advice against use of alcohol, tobacco and meat for an optimum work.
The waterfall’s water reminds us our major component. It withdraw that ¾ of our body is composed of this element, of this material in which we spent 9 months within our mother. Belly matrix symbolized by moutain.
Ascending mountain, seemingly static, but in full gestation, from where flows downward dynamicly and in motion the waterfall, source of celest and terrestrial milk.
The water allows a cleaning. It wipes us from everything unnecessary, from all non-essentials elements. It’s a programming vector too. A telluric, terrestrial, celest and cosmic programming.
Our Earth, Gaïa is a living. The works of the scientist J-E Lovelock show it clearly. Rivers are his “bloodstream” and forests his “respiratory system”.
Like for our bloodstream, the one of the Earth, his water flow don’t transport only “chemically” analyzable matter, but energy too.
Telluric energy which is charged at places where it went. And cosmic energy, funneled by stars, zodiac, planets and especially from the moon which is female planet by excellence.
It allows “coagulation”, “crystallization” and “incarnation” of zodiacal energies on our planet.
Like mirror, symbol of “shintai”, incarnation of Kami in the Shinto sanctuary, the waterfall allows us to be face to face with ourself, in a matricial place, outside time and space.
Cold water massage on the head, shoulders and back, along the spine, cristallize energy in the power centers (sk. sk. Çakras, jap. Rimbo) located at these points.
The awared breathing of air extremely loaded in negatives ions permit to this energy to be disseminate and to circulate through all the body, from head to foot.
By the water flowing from the waterfall we’re connected to the mountain and to the sky from where it from.
By being firmly rooted to our Earth, both feet flat on the ground, we are connected to the Earth.
By meditating under the waterfall, I can be at the center of myself and be at the centre of the macrocosm, between the sky and the earth.
Then our body becomes an athanor in which the fire of Kundalini will slowly but efficiently transform ourselves. We are at this point without fear nor reproach, this mean without fear of the future and freed of the past.